Since its inception, the Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative has centred the insight and experiential wisdom of people with a lived experience of suicide in the development and implementation of collective suicide prevention activities across the region. The lived experience voice is very much woven into the fabric of how and who the Collaborative is.


What is lived experience?

Roses in the Ocean defines lived experience of suicide as "having experienced suicidal thoughts, survived a suicide attempt, cared for someone through suicidal crisis, or been bereaved by suicide."


Why does lived experience matter?

According to Roses in the Ocean, people with a lived experience of suicide "bring insight, wisdom and perspective that is critical to informing the best approaches to reducing emotional distress and pain and saving lives".

When people with a lived experience are supported to use their voices with confidence and purposes, they have enormous potential to facilitate "impactful local suicide prevention solutions that drive positive changes in culture and services, contributing to healthy and sustainable communities."


Building lived experience capacity

An opportunity now exists for the Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative, to participate in a lived experience designed and delivered, capacity building workshop facilitated by Roses in the Ocean.

Your voice, insight, and wisdom is critically important to guide suicide prevention activities in in your chosen area of focus - be that your local community, region or organisation.

‘Our Voice in Action’ is a workshop for people with a lived experience of suicide who are ready and keen to explore opportunities to be involved in suicide prevention activities. It is for people who believe they are ready to use their lived experience to help others and inform future direction for suicide prevention.

This training opportunity is scheduled for Friday 27 and Saturday 28 October 2023. For more information about the Our Voice in Action Lived Experience workshop, view the flyer here.

Please contact our Lived Experience Coordinator, Hope at with any questions (please note that Hope works Wednesdays and Thursdays only).